Thursday, January 29, 2015

January in Jerusalem

Hi all!

It's been a busy January in Jerusalem.  I returned to the city after a refreshing vacation at home, where I got to see so many amazing and kind family and friends.

When I got back to Jerusalem, I was greeted by our version of a snowstorm:

A mid-snow under-bridge party (??)

Me + some Jewish snowmen - the man on my left is wearing a streimel, or a fur hat favored by some Chasidic Jews on holidays

Trying to catch a snowflake on my balcony

Snowy view from my window

The aftermath (an umbrella, a palm frond, snow)

And eventually, bluer skies and warmer days

This semester is starting off with lots of excitement - a new class (the Arab-Israeli conflict), new plans for studying, preparing for my D'var Torah which I will give in February... wish me lots of luck!

Love always,

Monday, January 12, 2015


Happy New Year, family, lovers, and friends!

Sorry for the MAJOR delay in posting.  It's been a crazy semester!

And now here I am, for semester #2, heading back to classes and excited to hit the ground running!

Here are some highlights from last semester... (Not pictured: a wonderful visit from Aunt Annette, Uncle Bob, Phil, Brenda, and Ian!!!!!!!!)

Amazing brunches with friends

A trip to Berlin

A trip to Sderot, 1 mile from the Gaza border - that caterpillar on the playground is a bomb shelter

Hiking Har Shlomo - that's Israel and Egypt behind me

The most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen in the Negev desert

I just can't get enough

A trip to HaPoel Jerusalem - the city's basketball team, and the opportunity to answer press questions

Hanukah decorations with some kids I volunteer with

Plenty of time in the library

XOXO - and more this semester!